How standard user can connect to a server remotely using RDS..

hello friends,

                                    new server operating systems. know how can set standard users connected remotely use server has windows 2008 r2 os on it. presently users administrators have change of them standard users. when user standard user tries connect server gives message saying not authorized remote connection. in advance



the built-in/enabled rdp remote administration of server, , hence it's not meant other admin. if need terminal services end users check out

as new server oses, note if server has function aside terminal services /rdp (e.g., file/print/ad/dns/dhcp) not advisable use terminal server. ts box should dedicated purpose alone , should secured ensure users not inadvertently damage it.

that said, if want allow non-admins connect via rdp w2008 r2 box need configure local or group policy security settings allow this.

lanwench ** not fold, spindle or mutilate. fill in box , erase stray marks. use #2 pencil.

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