LDF File size increase

hello experts,

while ceating database have 1 mdf , 1 ldf file has been created.
when doing operation insert update delete in application,at time ldf size has been increased , after completion went normal size.

i want know there limitation ldf file size?

because have notice if im doing operation in application side udf size increased tremendoulsy 4 gb , task not completed.

please guide me ldf file, can conclusion problem.


should have asked question in database engine forum

ldf file log file. every dml operations (insert, update, delete etc.) perform logged in sql server. when perform thos operations in database. scenario describe ususal.

solution either take regular transaction log backup or put database in simple recovery. need understand important of log files , log backups , how transaction log works


read following support article microsot  topic describe prevent transaction log files growing unexpectedly

how stop transaction log of sql server database growing unexpectedly

understanding transaction log architecture

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Data Access


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