Update file content using powershell

i have .conf file. file has following lines:





i tried following powershell command didn't work , think reason is .conf file not .txt file

(get-content c:\outputs.conf) | foreach-object {$_ -replace "xx", "hello"} | set-content c:\outputs.conf

can please help? there command can use change xx string hello?

sorry children cannot solve problems. may need learn how ask real question first.

a ".conf" file ".conf" file.  special "conf-igurators" can edit kind of file. recommend have ask question shoul go elementary school , ask teachers understand this. remember spelled "c" "o" "m' "p" "u" "t" "e" "r".  practice not forget it.

i understand kids born in tasmania can communicate computers birth.  maybe can help.

i recommend find to help you.   we can't.  can wonder.

'you  wrong xx because have not learned xx yet'  -replace 'xx','goobers'


Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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