Copy Wizard Failure when coping a database on the same machine

i trying copy database on same machine (source , destination same). wizard fails using smo method.  have attemped turn on "save transfer logs", not appear save file:  have looked in c:\documents , settings\<user-name>\local settings\application data\microsoft\sql server\smo users on server. none of them have smo directory in path nor can find smo directory on server.


the sql server agent account set local system.


i have made local administrator sysadmin in sql server.


job history after failure:

date  6/15/2007 8:25:10 pm
log  job history (cdw_your-bqehg1xtvq_your-bqehg1xtvq_9)

step id  1
server  your-bqehg1xtvq
job name  cdw_your-bqehg1xtvq_your-bqehg1xtvq_9
step name  cdw_your-bqehg1xtvq_your-bqehg1xtvq_9_step
duration  00:00:48
sql severity  0
sql message id  0
operator emailed  
operator net sent  
operator paged  
retries attempted  0

executed user: your-bqehg1xtvq\system. ...gue sql    use [tango_qa]  go  if  exists (select * sys.objects object_id = object_id(n'[dbo].[strpcd_firewall_lan_objects_to_add]') , type in (n'p', n'pc'))  drop procedure [dbo].[strpcd_firewall_lan_objects_to_add]  go  if  exists (select * sys.objects object_id = object_id(n'[dbo].[stpcd_call_view_your_account_firewall_policies]') , type in (n'p', n'pc'))  drop procedure [dbo].[stpcd_call_view_your_account_firewall_policies]  go  if  exists (select * sys.objects object_id = object_id(n'[dbo].[stpcd_call_view_your_account_firewall_objects]') , type in (n'p', n'pc'))  drop procedure [dbo].[stpcd_call_view_your_account_firewall_objects]  go  if  exists (select * sys.objects object_id = object_id(n'[dbo].[stpcd_getsipnetworklocation]') , type in (n'p', n'pc'))  drop procedure [dbo].[stpcd_getsipnetworklocation]  go  if  exists (select * sys.objects obje...  package execution fa...  step failed.


stumped what try next or issue is?



what level of service pack on sql server?

bol refers:
the destination server must running sql server 2005 service pack 2 or later version. computer on copy database wizard runs may source or destination server, or separate computer. computer must running sql server 2005 service pack 2 or later version use features of wizard.


SQL Server  >  SQL Server Tools


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