Remote Desktop Services Manager Permissons


we have home grown app published on our win 2008 r2 terminal server. time time, application hangs user and, need "end process" of specific application allow user launch app again successfully.

we have desk team fields these call but, not have permissions end process, ability end user's session.

is there way can give group (or user) ability end user's process via rds manager without granting administrator rights?  i've looked through local policies but, don't see specific right.

thanks - joe


no, cannot give them ability terminate processes (without making them admin equivalent).  default processes system, administrators, , user account process running have rights terminate it.

if have programmer they write small service (running under system) your help desk team send signal , terminate process.  code in service only allow terminating exe of home grown app protect against being used to terminate other processes.


Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


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