Try, Catch - Custom Errors

hey, using powershell v2 , have question try catch.  able use try catch fine catch error "divsion 0".  when want catch custom error, example error outputted enter-pssession, won't catch.  have code (see below), never catch's, when type bad password, red error text enter-pssession stating bad username/password displayed on screen, instead of custom message , actions.  thoughts?  thanks!

    enter-pssession -computername server1.domain.local -credential domain\admin
    write-host "failed connect remote server."
write-host "successfully connected remote server."

another way more predictable try/catch behavior set $erroractionpreference = 'stop' @ top of scripts, or in profile.  setting causes errors treated terminating errors, try/catches triggered in cases.  if accustomed c# style of coding, think simplest way go.

the whole terminating/non-terminating error thing pretty frustrating if ask me.  guess upside "minor" errors won't cause whole script crash, makes error handling more complicated , confusing.  it's nice have control on how different errors affect script flow, don't why default setting isn't 'stop.'  oh :)


Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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