Get-Content -path $str | foreach {$_ -replace ............

i've been playing these few lines of script while no success.

i believe issue in syntax of directory paths trying replace. can point me in right direction.

script @ bottom self explanatory in case - want able change directory path of default queue database in exchange 2010. script reads line line content of config file looking $current , should replace $new.

any appreciated.


i following error on execution:

invalid regular expression pattern: d:\sw\exch14\transportroles\data\queue.
@ d:\buildscripts\setqueuedb.ps1:14 char:32
+ $content | foreach {$_ -replace <<<<  "$current", "$new"} | set-content $str
    + categoryinfo          : invalidoperation: (d:\sw\exch14\transportroles\data\queue:string) [], runtimeexception
    + fullyqualifiederrorid : invalidregularexpression


#change location of queue database #

#sets queue directory path
$exchangeinstallpath = "d:\sw\exch14\"

$file = $exchangeinstallpath+"bin\edgetransport.exe.config"
foreach ($str in $file)
$content = get-content -path $str
$current = 'd:\sw\exch14\transportroles\data\queue'
$new = 'e:\exch14\transportroles\queue\database'
$content | foreach {$_ -replace "$current", "$new"} | set-content $str

the test pattern in -replace regular expression. characters in regex reserved, , need escaped if want them used literally.  fortunately there's easy way this:

$content | foreach {$_ -replace [regex]::escape($current), $new} | set-content $str

will create regular expression $current reserved characters escaped you.

[string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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