Is there a function that can determine whether a toggle switch has been clicked or not?

hi folks,

i have report preview looks this....

fielda   count

+abc      3

+def       2

+ghi       4

lets user clicks ont + sign def....

after expands want 3 more header appear this....

+abc       3

-def         2        fieldc          fieldd              fielde

                          john               det                   mich

                          steve             chi                    ill

+ghi    4

can done?  there function tat determine if +/- toggle equal + or -?  or making difficult?  can done more simply?

thanks in advance!







could post example explain meaning of "determine if +/- toggle equal + or -"? general, can use adjacent group achieve purpose. such as:






parentgroup, adjacentgroupa, , adjacentgroupb group "fielda", , set adjacentgroupa , adjacentgroupb take parentgroup toggle item, set visibility of 1 of both show , hide.


you can download report file example, , modify data source sql server 2005/2008/r2 instance preview report:


here similar thread can refer to:



albert ye

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View


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