script to remove logon scripts from AD profile

i'm looking powershell script remove logon scripts (scriptpath attribute) user profiles in given ou (and child ous). in advance.

a powershell script similar vbscript solution posted in other forum follows. partially tested:


$ads_property_clear = 1

$ou = [adsi]"ldap://ou=west,dc=mydomain,dc=com"

function clearscriptpath($parent)
    foreach ($child in $parent.get_children())
        if ($child.class -eq "user")
            $child.putex($ads_property_clear, "scriptpath", 0)
        if ($child.class -eq "organizationalunit")
            clearscriptpath $child

clearscriptpath $ou



richard mueller - mvp directory services

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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