user domain profile Problems

hi all

i domain administrator

i have many continued problem user profile ms word can not open document , ask user name , can not find printer, , specially problem scanner techniques (fujitsu 6130) user try scan documents acrobat professional , can't find scanner in list of scanners, our procedure log-in local administrator user , change profile name keep settings , passwords saved in profile , log out , log in again user account create new profile work again without problem.

my question why problem been happens, , solve inside user profile reset profile out change profile keep documents, setting, password, favorite , other things saved in profile?

thank listing me

thank sir answer

first user under domain controller, i'm not deleting user delete user profile created in pc (c:\ documents , setting\the user profile) solve problems in profile driver of scanner.

second scanner in high speed usb scanner.

my question can reset profile without delete keep setting , documents , other things

thank hear me

the way can reset account on workstation deleting folder and  left on registry value. if want keep users setting, should enable roaming profile.

where scanner connected to?


best regards

jesper vindum, denmark

Windows Server  >  File Services and Storage


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