CSV Volume low on disk space warning alltough the space isn't used (VSS?)

hi guys,

we are  running hv-2012  cluster. of vm's backuped dpm 2012 r2.

recently noticed "csv low disk space warning" withing scom.
today looked @ 1 of csv's.
size 1800gb , if @ size of folders on volume within explorer 1250 gb.

after looked failover cluster manager -> storage -> disk: console states there 36gb free on volume.

my guess vss snapshots use disk-space? if vssadmin list shadowstorage
drive c displayed.

could end in problem or vss space freed automaticly?

or there else wrong?

anyone clue on this?




thanks reply, didn't close enough think, sys-vol folder wich big.

and seems knonw bug: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/forums/scriptcenter/en-us/6fd8ac46-7599-4071-8630-b304fc91b8c6/dpm-2012-sp1-and-hyperv-2012-large-system-volume-information-folder

and thers hotfix: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2878635

will try tonight.


Windows Server  >  Hyper-V


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