RemoteApp Session closes after login.

i have setup new 2012r2 box , installed rds use remoteapp

this single server single application.

in collection have added application , added calc test application.

when goto rdweb site see both applications.

clicking on calc works

clicking on 3rd party application, rdp session opens, can see session logging in, pauses couple of seconds , session closes.

if open application in rdp session server works ok.

i have looked in event log on server , client , can see nothing obvious in either causing session end

in server event log:

user username logged on local redirector machine (assuming ts farm scenario). sending local ip address client in redirection packet.

begin session arbitration:

user: username
session id: 4

session 4 has been disconnected, reason code 0

end session arbitration:

user: username
session id: 4

this connection request has resulted in successful session logon (user logged on end point). remote desktop connection broker stop monitoring connection request.

do see difference if launch calc, followed by the third-party application in same session? i'm curious whether app failing launch, or causing session logged off reason.

Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


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