Passing output parameter from stored procedure


i have problem passing value output parameter sql stored procedure powershell variable, , value variable send via mail:

script sql stored procedure:

use [master]  go    alter procedure dbo.test  	@value nvarchar(4000) output   begin  	set nocount on;  	set @value = 'error'  end  go

script powershell:

$sqlconnection = new-object  $sqlconnection.connectionstring = "integrated security=sspi; data source=.\sqlexpress; initial catalog=master;"  $sqlcmd = new-object  $sqlcmd.commandtext = "[test]"  $sqlcmd.connection = $sqlconnection  $sqlcmd.commandtype = []::storedprocedure  $sqlcmd.parameters.add("@value", "") | out-null  $sqlcmd.parameters["@value"].direction = []::output    $  $sqlcmd.executenonquery()  $returnvalue = $sqlcmd.parameters["@value"].value  $sqlconnection.close()    $smtp = new-object net.mail.smtpclient("")  $objmailmessage = new-object  $objmailmessage.from = ""  $"")  $objmailmessage.subject = "testmail"  $objmailmessage.body = $returnvalue  $smtp.send($objmailmessage)        

the powershell script runs without errors , send me mail, in mail`s body instead of word: "error" apears single character: "e".

can guide me how pass output value , send via mail?


it works me:

ps c:\scripts> $sqlconnection = new-object ps c:\scripts> $sqlconnection.connectionstring = "integrated security=sspi; data source=.\sqlexpress; initial catalog=northwind;" ps c:\scripts> $sqlcmd = new-object ps c:\scripts> $sqlcmd.commandtext = "dbo.test" ps c:\scripts> $sqlcmd.connection = $sqlconnection ps c:\scripts> $sqlcmd.commandtype = []::storedprocedure ps c:\scripts> $p1=$sqlcmd.parameters.add("@value", "") ps c:\scripts> $p1.direction = []::output ps c:\scripts> $p1.size=50 ps c:\scripts> $ ps c:\scripts> $sqlcmd.executenonquery() -1 ps c:\scripts> $p1.sqlvalue.value hello ps c:\scripts>  

i used 'hello' instead of 'error' , northwind db instead of 'master'.  add size' , reference correct properties , should work.


Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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