Uninstall SQLServer 2014 Reporting Services from a Windows 7 64 bit PC

looking uninstall sql reporting services sql install.  issue when going thru setup process deselect reporting services - native option check box grayed out.  suggestions on how feature can removed?



hi dark,

according description, check box reporting services - native option grayed out when trying uninstall reporting services native mode.

as issue, think should caused use incorrect way uninstall reporting services native mode or select incorrect instance doesn’t include reporting services instance.

since reporting services instance feature, not listed in windows control panel, programs , features. uninstall reporting services native mode, need select microsoft sql server 2014 programs , features, select correct instance that includes reporting services instance feature rs in uninstall wizard. after select instance, select reporting services feature uninstall it.

besides, when uninstall reporting services native mode, created or modified after installation left in place. more details how delete items not removed when uninstall software, please refer following document:

katherine xiong

katherine xiong
technet community support

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Reporting Services, Power View


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