AD RMS and SqlServer 2008 Dev Edition Compatibility Issue

hi all,

i trying install ad rms service & sql server 2008 developer edition
(nov ctp) on windows server 2008 rc1. unable install both together
on same machine. able install both on separate machine.

first installed active directory domain services & active directory rms
services after tried install sql-server 2008 on same machine
it failed.

after installed sql-server 2008 first , installed active
directory domain services installed after am
trying install active directory rms service unable install ad
rms because asking user under "active directory rms service
group" running ad rms group not presents user
group list. had created manually still says can not have
access permissions brows active directory services.

please problem whether there compatibility issue
with sql2008 dev edition , ad rms or missing steps.

with thanks

the steps try to:


1. build server os install.

2. install active directory services.

3. install sql.

4. install active directory rms.


if install sql before install ad, have deal renaming of sql server , setting propper group membership access sql - has been difficult in previous versions of sql...  if install rms before sql, have difficulty in rms depends on sql...


also, not in sql 2008 supported.  so, might have difficulty there.


hope helps,

Windows Server  >  Windows Server General Forum


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