"import-module msonline" and "connect-MsolService" working in powershell but not in c#
the "import-module msonline" and "connect-msolservice" working fine in powershell prompt when use c# using runspace , pipeline showing errors.
here code
initialsessionstate initialsession = initialsessionstate.createdefault();
initialsession.importpsmodule(new[] { "msonline" });
runspaceconfiguration runspaceconfiguration = runspaceconfiguration.create();
runspace runspace = runspacefactory.createrunspace(runspaceconfiguration);
runspaceinvoke scriptinvoker = new runspaceinvoke(runspace);
pipeline pipeline = runspace.createpipeline();
securestring adminpass = securepass;
pscredential credential = new pscredential(adminusername, adminpass);
// create command connect office 365.
command connectcommand = new command("connect-msolservice");
connectcommand.parameters.add((new commandparameter("credential", credential)));
// create command office 365 users.
using (runspace psrunspace = runspacefactory.createrunspace(initialsession))
// open runspace.
//iterate through each command , executes it.
foreach (var com in new command[] { connectcommand })
var pipe = psrunspace.createpipeline();
// execute command , generate results , errors (if any).
collection<psobject> results = pipe.invoke();
var error = pipe.error.readtoend();
// close runspace.
return true;
the error is
the term 'connect-msolservice' not recognized name of cmdlet, func
tion, script file, or operable program. check spelling of name, or if a
path included, verify path correct , try again.
pl give me assistance
thanks in advance
for how run powershell in c#, please refer below article:
hope helps.
yan li
cataleya li
technet community support
Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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