Enable Firewall Service Using Group Policy


support team install windows image in firewall service set disabled

so have many systems firewalls make on

i used system services group policy , set automatic did not work (it did not enable service)

i tested sc config sharedaccess start= auto , works

so think can can make computer startup script , use there other standard gpo ?

do have use  policy maker or third party tool ?

> went system services (on 2008 dc) , set windows
> firewall auto
yes, technically results in service called "mpssvc" start
automatically. (remark: if did through administrative tools -
services, affects local firewall service on server...
hopefully did within gpo ;-))
> went xp client , not applied
sure applied, on xp, there no service called mpssvc.
> mean target xp os. how can ?
install gpmc on xp box , edit gpo on xp machine.
will - technically - result in service "sharedaccess" start
automatically. or go 2008 box, not choose
service "windows firewall" time, instead configure "internet
connection sharing". latter 1 sharedaccess, - on xp -
also contains firewall.
regards, martin

no not evil, if know doing: or bad gpos?
wenn meine antwort hilfreich war, freue ich mich über eine bewertung! if answer helpful, i'm glad rating!

Windows Server  >  Group Policy


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