Help with automating an AD-query and some checks


i'm sorry "ambiguous" subject way me describe topic :)

i'll try , explain need in words , each statement i'll put below code have that. the goal these queries merge 1 working script can of these things , generate output csv-file or whatever.

so here goes:

i have to:

- query ad pc's in <ou> with a name '*-c'

get-qadcomputer -searchroot <ou> | ?{$ -like '*-c'}

from output want first verify if pc in question online or not, if not > write   "offline" or in output file

<code> ? (i know several ways can't seem integrate nicely without f*cking output somehow)

- next, if pc's online, script have check 2 things:

                    - check ie version of host

{[system.diagnostics.fileversioninfo]::getversioninfo("\\$_\c`$\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe") }

but how do host variable to get pumped unc-path ? , how subsequently output decently output file in form like:     host,ieversion

                    - check file , it's timestamp (if modified after 01/01/2012 or not)

get-item -path <path> | select lastwritetime

next, check if created after above date , if yes/no write or b list hostname next it.

i'm quite sure can done 1 foreach-loop i've tried several ways , haven't found 1 yet.  therefore i'd love here, because i'm on deadline actually  :)

lot helping me out here! (but of teaching me great ps scripting techniques & stuff!)



here's basic framework.

$computers = get-qadcomputer -searchroot <ou> | ?{$ -like '*-c'} | select-object -expandproperty name foreach ($computer in $computers) {     if (test-connection $computer -count 1 -quiet) {         # code check ie version         # code check file version etc.         }     else { write-host "$computer offline" }     }  

grant ward, a.k.a. bigteddy

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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