Get-Content with open file dialog


is possible browse screen , can select file ?(get-content)


i have create new script :)

it works powershell -sta

# script ping list of ip addresses # 2013 05 28, version 0.8 # created dirk bremer  function get-openfile($initialdirectory) {  [system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("") | out-null  $openfiledialog = new-object $openfiledialog.initialdirectory = $initialdirectory $openfiledialog.filter = "text files (*.txt)|*.txt" $openfiledialog.showdialog() | out-null $openfiledialog.filename $openfiledialog.showhelp = $true }  $inputfile = get-openfile  function get-savefile($initialdirectory) {  [system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("") | out-null  $savefiledialog = new-object $savefiledialog.initialdirectory = $initialdirectory $savefiledialog.filter = "text files (*.txt)|*.txt" $savefiledialog.showdialog() | out-null $savefiledialog.filename $savefiledialog.showhelp = $true }   $outputfile = get-savefile    $a = "date ^ computer name ^ hostname ^ ip address ^ online" $a | out-file -enc ascii -width 400 -append  $outputfile $computers= gc $inputfile  foreach ($computername in $computers) { try {     $dns =[]::gethostentry($computername)  } catch { "there resolution error:  $_ " # in here error....  $dns= "" $hostname = null $ip = null  }      $hostname = $dns.hostname     $ip = $dns.addresslist          trap { continue }     if (test-connection $computername -erroraction silentlycontinue -count 1 )     { $(get-date -format 'dd-mm-yy hh:mm') + " ^ " + $computername + " ^ " + $hostname + " ^ " + $ip + " ^ " + "online"  | out-file -enc ascii -width 400 -append  $outputfile}     else { $(get-date -format 'dd-mm-yy hh:mm') + " ^ " + $computername + " ^ " + $hostname + " ^ " + $ip + " ^ " + "offline"  |out-file -enc ascii -width 400 -append $outputfile } } 


Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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