Time Window

i want parse list of items (sum) within strict time window.  want include matches 5:00 pm yesterday 4:49:49 pm today

i using following code:

    $timestart = $field[4]
    $timeend = $field[5]
    $tstart = get-date $timestart
    $tend = get-date $timeend
    $timediff = ($tend - $tstart)
    $timediffseconds = $timediff.seconds

    $timetoday = get-date
    if (($timestart -ge $timetoday.adddays(-1)) -and ($timestart -le $timetoday)) {
        write-host "within time window"

if server busy task not scheduled right away , numbers skewed.  how can change get-date (get-date 5 pm today)?


not sure if understand want. check this

  ps h:\> get-date -hour 17    friday, november 12, 2010 5:14:42 pm      ps h:\> get-date -hour 17 -minute 00    friday, november 12, 2010 5:00:45 pm      ps h:\> get-date -hour 17 -minute 00 -second 00    friday, november 12, 2010 5:00:00 pm  

twitter: @ravikanth
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