GPO setting for compatibility mode on Win7 and IE10

i've tried manually add ie7 compatibility view sites gpo on win2008r2 dc, don't propogate down windows 7 ie10. how else can make change?


before going further, we’d better confirm current issue first. please let me know if compatibility view setting failed apply 1 windows 7 machine ie 10 installed? if other machines without ie 10 installed receive policy setting normally? @ time, suggest collect following information check if problematic machines receive policy correctly.



a. on domain controller, click start ->run, type gpmc.msc, load gpmc console.

b. right click on "group policy result" , choose wizard generate report problematic computer , user account (please place appropriately). (choose computer , select proper user in wizard)

c. right click  the resulting group policy result , click "save report…" => save report save report html file.

in addition, if want make windows server 2008 group policy preference setting support new ie versions, suggest refer following article details.

internet explorer 9(ie9) group policy preferences (gpp)

how enable group policy preferences support ie9

hope helps.

best regards,

andy qi

technet subscriber support

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andy qi
technet community support

Windows Server  >  Group Policy


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