New problem getting data from xml table in sql db (Newbie)


i have xml tablerow in table in db.

2 examples

<toyconfiguration version = "1" name = "lego">

<ballconfiguration version = "2020" name= "adidas">

if want name of toy or ball write


tablerow.value('((@name)[1]', 'varchar(100)')

from table

this return lego , adidas

but if want know kind of configuration is? how do this?

the answer want toyconfiguration , ballconfiguration..

any appreciated!




you use local-name() function:


tablerow.xml_col.value('(//@name)[1]', 'varchar(100)')

,tablerow.xml_col.value('local-name((*[@name])[1])', 'varchar(100)')

from tablerow

SQL Server  >  SQL Server XML


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