WSUS delete statement

hi all,

i running wsus 3.0 sp2 server on windows storage server 2003 sp2 64bit, database housed on sql 2005 standard sp3.
one of pc's reporting wsus server has been decommisioned , need delete console, receive following error in application log, sql server , running serving couple of other applications / databases. please advise.

verify sql server running on wsus server. if problem persists, try restarting sql. -- delete statement conflicted reference constraint "fk__tbexpande__targe__7fb5f314". conflict occurred in database "susdb", table "dbo.tbexpandedtargetintargetgroup", column 'targetid'.

the statement has been terminated.


.net sqlclient data provider

stack trace:

at microsoft.updateservices.ui.snapin.dialogs.progressdialog.oncompleted(object sender, asynccompletedeventargs e)

thanks lawrence, added computer original group again , deleting worked time.

actually, might have found , remediated actual issue @ point. if computer not removed group assignment in database originally, , left record behind in table showing group membership still existed, , delete operation did not attempt remove group membership, result in foreign key constraint violation of type saw.

placing computer in group re-validated orphaned record , allowed delete occur.

either way, though, -yes- bug. either group removal failed, or request delete computer should not getting trapped fk constraint.
lawrence garvin, m.s., mcitp:ea, mcdba
principal/cto, onsite technology solutions, houston, texas
microsoft mvp - software distribution (2005-2009)
mvp profile:

Windows Server  >  WSUS


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