Using Powershell to get WMI details of entire network (including <WinXP or Windows without Powershell)

first up, i've tried doing searching struggling find definitive answer. need pull wmi data , file data windows estate or desktops/servers. 

i know possible, issue not of these systems guaranteed have powershell , installing powershell on doesn't have isn't option,

my question is, possible execute powershell scripts pointing @ computer without powershell installed? or have use vbs purpose?

at present, i'm looking @ using below commands, , need know if it's able before invest time barking wrong tree. write in vbs / vba, , have started looking @ powershell, , i'm loving syntax , general ease of using it. it's compatibility issues i'm concerned about.

there other wmi calls, guess if 1 works will. i'm skeptical if file scan work.

get-childitem  -path c:\ -recurse -file *.exe |     add-member -membertype scriptproperty -name productversion -value {     $this.versioninfo.productversion     } -passthru |  select-object -property lastwritetime, fileversion |  export-csv "c:\c.csv" 

get-wmiobject win32_bios -computername servername

you can 'point' powershell script @ computer doesn't have powershell, there limited actions successful.  get-wmiobject 1 of them doesn't rely on psremoting/wsman.  native windows commands have -computername or similar remote computer parameter should work too.  that's assuming appropriate ports , services enabled , running.

i'm not sure 2 examples above have each other though?

get-childitem blah blah blah work against \\servername\c$ servername did not have powershell installed.  as mentioned above, get-wmiobject command work too.

i hope post has helped!

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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