DFS namespace server showing up even though I've deleted it

we have namespace in our test environment called appsdata.  it had 2 namespace servers, server33 , server66.  server33 retired without knowledge (as happens in our test environment).  it still showing in dfs management mmc though have deleted mmc.

when delete mmc, following warning "the namespace \\test.com\appsdata on server33 cannot detected.  the rpc server unavailable.  do want forcibly remove namespace server?"  i click ok , server disappears namespace servers tab.  however, if close down mmc , re-open it, server33 shows up.

i have additionally removed reference server33 in adsi edit under remoteservername attribute cn=appsdata,cn=dfs-configuration,cn=system,dc=test,dc=com appsdata.

what missing here?


try read caution before attempting. hope helps. if not can try dfsutil approach.

dfsutil /unmapftroot /root:\\test.com\appsdata /server:\\server33

clean root-server entry in active directory

if, reason, have removed root server , metadata in active directory has not been updated, can manually cause root-server entry removed blob. parameter used problem/corruption repair setting. not confuse parameters like  /remftroot or /clean. unless absolutely necessary, use of parameter should avoided. eliminate resultant obsolete root target in dfs namespace, type following @ command line:

dfsutil /unmapftroot /root:\\ex.com\salesdata /server:\\mainshare1


  • using option deletes entire namespace. option used only when have removed domain-based root server. when command statement executed, actual server never contacted before unmapped (because assumed have been removed and, such, not exist). result, functioning root can removed accidentally.


  • the root-server has been removed must domain-based method work.
  • dfsutil works in direct mode or update dfs metadata. command statement fail if root-server not domain-based or if direct mode cannot initialized.
  • back namespace before using /unmapftroot parameter.

isaac oben mcitp:ea, mcse,mcc view mcp certifications

Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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