Autogrow option

hello all,

how sql server determines when grow file? if give autogrow by 10%, server increases size when full or sometime before? also, if autogrow option on, there pressure on engine regular checking of available space?


how sql server determines when grow file ? : believe when becoms 90-95 % autogrow triggered.

autogrow option killer, better pre-grow data files, other wise transactions wait until autogrow gets completed.

one more thing, give autogrow in mb not in %. becasue if file 10 gb, 10% of 10 gb 1 gb. takes hell lot of time expand , can lead blockings.



veeresh v nashi.

autogrow not triggered when file 90-95% full.

you can set instant file initialization way when data files autogrow not zeroed out ,instant file initialization doesn't apply log files.

the best practice have turned on emergency not rely on it.


SQL Server  >  SQL Server Database Engine


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