Decimal type handling: strange read-only error

i have simple test table defined decimal type (9,9) shown in script below.  i unexpected--and bad--behavior when typing values in via object explorer from management studio (right-click on table, select edit rows). 


entering number digits left of decimal gives reasonable looking error expected.  entering number more 9 digits to right of decimal locks cell as read-only cell.  , entering "special" value 0.123456789 converts read-only, 0.123456788 works. 


does know what's going on here?



/****** object: table [dbo].[testtbl] script date: 06/13/2008 21:35:01 ******/

set ansi_nulls on


set quoted_identifier on


create table [dbo].[testtbl](

[test] [decimal](9, 9) null

) on [primary]


overall, table grid fragile tables don't have primary key. able enter 0,123456789 in cell, without becoming read-only, first cell entered.

i recommend using insert , update statements mainpulate data.

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Database Engine


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