Having Problems with DATEDIFF in derived column expression

hi all

i''m using sql server 2008. 'm using derived column in package , have 2 date fields (dtstartdate,dtenddate) coming flat file source. used derived column difference between 2 dates , add new field. i'm using following function in expression part.

datediff("dd",dtstartdate,dtenddate) , reason highlighted in red , when clicked ok showing me following error message:

title: microsoft visual studio

error @ data flow task [compute inactive days [370]]: function "datediff" not support data type "dt_wstr" parameter number 2. type of parameter not implicitly cast compatible type function. perform operation, operand needs explicitly cast cast operator.

error @ data flow task [compute inactive days [370]]: evaluating function "datediff" failed error code 0xc0047089.

error @ data flow task [compute inactive days [370]]: computing expression "datediff("dd", dtwarrantstart,dtwarrantend )" failed error code 0xc00470c5. expression may have errors, such divide zero, cannot detected @ parse time, or there may out-of-memory error.

error @ data flow task [compute inactive days [370]]: expression "datediff("dd", dtwarrantstart,dtwarrantend )" on "output column "inactivedays" (384)" not valid.

error @ data flow task [compute inactive days [370]]: failed set property "expression" on "output column "inactivedays" (384)".

additional information:

exception hresult: 0xc0204006 (microsoft.sqlserver.dtspipelinewrap)



i checked data file , not see nulls or zero's in either of datefields. can please point me i'm going wrong?

then tried following in expression "(dtwarrantstart > 0 ? (dtstartdate - dtenddate) >= 0 ? (dtwarrantstart - dtwarrantend) : -1) : 0)" , still no luck.



the date fields flat file unicode (dt_wstr) , need cast them datetime before applying datediff function. try this: datediff("dd",(dt_dbtimestamp)dtstartdate,(dt_dbtimestamp)dtenddate)

note: above expression not checking nulls or invlaid dates. in order handle these checks please modify expression

nitesh rai- please mark post answered if answers question

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Integration Services


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