Datediff function

which day excluded datediff function, first day or last day? please consider following example.

select datediff(d,'01/13/2009', '05/13/2009')

it says 120 days. if count calendar, 121 days. sql datediff function skips 01/13/2009 or 05/13/2009?

thanks in advance.

hi chandramohan,

datediff returns number time boundries elapsed between given date range. example- 13 14 1 day completed. if count way 120 days between these 2 dates. further details...

you can cross check applying dateadd function, forward , backward e.g. dateadd(d,120,01/13/2009) , dateadd(d,-120,05/13/2009). both way gives 120 days difference.

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