support a new WI state in Reports

"remaining work" report show active/resolved/closed in 3 different state, great.

now want add new state in wis (e.g. "processing"), , define state transition active/processing/resolved/closed.

how can customized report have show new state, in distinctive color?




please try these steps:


1.       create reporting services project business intelligence development studio:

2.       add "remaining work" report report project:

3.       edit "remaining work" report in report designer.

a.       go “data” tab , modify mdx query dsworkitemhistory dataset return count new state.

b.      in "layout" tab of designer, right click on stacked area chart , select "properties"

c.       go "data" tab of chart properties dialog box, add new value new state there.  please follow our examples of how included other states in report.  you may change color of state “appearance” tab of “edit char value” dialog

4.       preview report.  if works well, can deploy rs server bi dev studio.


these steps pretty high level.  i hope helpful you.



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