W2k3 Update Rollup Post SP3???

hello all,

i had build 2k3 server , resides on closed network kind of update service no go. did norm , patched sp1 , sp2. sp2 released in 2007 , here 2010. 3 long years of patches , fixes released ms. there kind of "rollup" of these security releases etc... available?

basically if go , buy new 2003 disk have sp2 on or rollup of atleast 2009 or so? asking question properlly.

p.s. love upgrade 2008 not possibility atm. kinda stuck 2003 atleast year here.

i think close gets.

how download updates include drivers , hotfixes windows update catalog

how install multiple windows updates or hotfixes 1 reboot



regards, dave patrick .... microsoft certified professional -microsoft mvp [windows]

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