Run dos command in powershell from domain controller

hi, have issue:

run powershell script form domain controller.the script is:

clear-host    $domainuser = "$env:userdnsdomain\administrator"  $domainpassword = 'credential'| convertto-securestring -asplaintext -force  $domaincredentials = new-object ($domainuser, $domainpassword)  $computers = get-adcomputer -filter * -searchbase “ou=lab-users,dc=lab,dc=local” | foreach-object {$}  $remotepath = '\\\temp'    foreach($computer in $computers)  {  invoke-command -computername $computer -credential $domaincredentials -scriptblock {    new-psdrive -name uncpath -psprovider filesystem -root $using:remotepath -credential $using:domaincredentials  copy-item uncpath:\win8.1andw2k12r2-kb3191564-x64.msu c:\temp  set-location c:\temp  cmd.exe /c wusa.exe win8.1andw2k12r2-kb3191564-x64.msu /quiet /restart    write-host -foregroundcolor magenta $env:computername  }  }

write script install windows managment framework 5.1 in every computer in ou.
run in dc windows server 2012 r2 powershell v5.1.
in environment have 1 dc , 3 computer client windows 8.1 x64(with powershell 4).

script run in every single machine, when use script domain controller installation of msu file not run.

me please

hi luca,

try thing (make sure can execute scripts on domain controllers):

#requires -version 2.0 -modules activedirectory clear-host  $domainuser = "$env:userdnsdomain\administrator" $domainpassword = 'credential'| convertto-securestring -asplaintext -force $domaincredential = new-object -typename -argumentlist ($domainuser, $domainpassword) $computers = get-adcomputer -filter * -searchbase 'ou=lab-users,dc=lab,dc=local' | select-object -expandproperty name $remotepath = '\\\temp' $packagename = 'win8.1andw2k12r2-kb3191564-x64.msu'  foreach($computer in $computers) {   invoke-command -computername $computer -credential $domaincredential -scriptblock {     param(       [parameter(mandatory = $true,position = 0)]       [string]$remotepath,              [parameter(mandatory = $true,position = 1)]       [pscredential]$domaincredential,              [parameter(mandatory = $true,position = 2)]       [string]$packagename     )                 new-psdrive -name uncpath -psprovider filesystem -root $remotepath -credential $domaincredential     copy-item -path uncpath:\$packagename -destination $env:temp -force     set-location -path $env:temp     cmd.exe /c "wusa.exe $packagename /quiet /restart"      write-host -foregroundcolor magenta -object $env:computername   } -argumentlist $remotepath, $domaincredential, $packagename }

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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