A question on Conversation timer persistence

i'd add code trigger calculate the time to fire message queue based on field changing, , conversation timers seem way go.  first question refers line bol:

"calling begin conversation timer on conversation before timer has expired sets timeout new value." 

i think in trigger, can begin new conversation if given field has changed reset timer.  intuition tells me in order change timer new value, need retrieve existing conversation, correct?

also,  i've read conversation timers persistent in survive database restarts , shutdowns.  i'm not sure extent.  after database restart/shutdown, conversation timer "reset" time interval specified when conversation begun or able account time database down/offline?



what need table associate conversation fired timer original work order. when work order created, trigger begin dialog, sets timer , inserts table newly created conversation handle , work order id.

when timer fires, activated procedure receives message, looks work order id in table (based on conversation handle message receive on) , whatever work required @ moment.

the same table can used when updates occur on follow_up field. instead of beginning conversation, trigger association table , find existing conversation.

one thing note timer messages unlike message in sense sent 1 conversation endpoint itself. conversation handle on timer set same 1 on going received.

i believe conversation timers right approach. no other approach can think of better. conversation timers cheap resource point of view, contained within database (this gives lots of advantages related backup/restore, failover , availability), , offer possibility luch procedure.

~ remus


SQL Server  >  SQL Service Broker


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