Raise FFL or DFL first

we had 2 w2k3 dc's in production on class c network, installed 2 new physical servers, w2k8 r2 on class b network, , each has it's own class c.  kept dc_old01/02 servers online few weeks make sure while re-ip'd static network devices new ip range, they'd still accessible via vlans on cisco switches.  then physically removed them production.

production servers (reported dc_production01, ad domains , trusts):

name: dc_production01, site: default-first-site-name, dc: gc, dc version: w2k8 r2, status: unavailable

name: dc_production02, site: default-first-site-name, dc: gc, dc version: w2k8 r2, status: online

name: dc_old01, site: default-first-site-name, dc: gc, dc version: w2k3, status: unavailable

name: dc_old02, site: default-first-site-name, dc: gc, dc version: w2k3, status: unavailable

operations master: dc_production01 current ffl: windows 2000 current dfl: windows server 2003

ad sites , services:

subnets:  dc_production01's ip (x.x.x.x/17), dc_production02's ip (x.x.x.x/17), dc_old01's ip (x.x.x.x/24), dc_old02's ip (x.x.x.x/24)

i'd remove /24 ips adss system (the 2 physical servers no longer on network) , upgrade ffl , dfl w2k8 r2 on dc_production01.

there no plans go backwards (w2k3) there no physical w2k3 dcs in network.

the dc_production servers in production had dcpromo , adprep (i belive), , have been online 3 months now.

which get's raised first? ffl or dfl?  or matter?  i know need remove dc_old, change active directory domain controller...

the other servers in production environment 2 dfs servers (connected iscsi sans) , sql server (all running w2k8 r2 os).  no exchange or lync servers in production (those hosted offsite).

dhcp/dns configured correctly , production client pcs pointing the dc_production01.

any other best practices before raising ffl , dfl?  it should smooth upgrade, correct?  ffl first/second?


start domain functional level. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/understanding-active-directory-functional-levels(ws.10).aspx


"i know need remove dc_old, change active directory domain controller..." keep in mind should done dcpromo , not shutdown machine. server must manually removed ad sites , services after demotion completed.

best regards

meinolf weber
mvp, mcp, mcts
microsoft mvp - directory services
my blog: http://msmvps.com/blogs/mweber/

disclaimer: posting provided no warranties or guarantees , confers no rights.

Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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