Script to delete files created on a specific date with sepecific name


is possible me powershell script delete files under folder , subfolders have following attributes

1. have name (default.*) , (index.*)

2. created on specific date 1-9-2014

3. created between specific time between 10:00 - 16:00

thanks in advance!


try this:

$path=$env:userprofile $startdate=[datetime]::parseexact("01-09-2014 10:00","dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm",$null) $enddate=[datetime]::parseexact("01-09-2014 16:00","dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm",$null)  #ps3 version get-childitem -file -path $path -include "default.*","index.*" -recurse | {$_.creationtime -gt $startdate -and $_.creationtime -lt $enddate}| remove-item -whatif #ps2 version get-childitem -path $path -include "default.*","index.*" -recurse | {$_.creationtime -gt $startdate -and $_.creationtime -lt $enddate -and !$_.psiscontainer} | remove-item -whatif


Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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