Windows 8.1 Applocker Blocking Packaged App Installation During Deployment

hi all! have run issue while deploying windows 8.1 enterprise using mdt 2013 applocker policies applied. during testing have had no issues default provisioned store apps have configured applocker policy prevent apps being installed other provided windows. when test policy on running computer appears working correctly - of original provisioned apps can run or re-installed store , other apps not install.

with policy applied when machine images , joins domain none of provisioned apps download , install instead x in lower right-hand corner. have verified applocker policy culprit disabling , imaging new computer installed default apps. going on here? if policy seems work on computer during normal operation why prevent apps downloading? bug in way applocker works?

the policy configured such:

executable rules - enforced audit - created default rules

packaged app rules - enforced - auto-created rules based on machine default configured apps

one workaround considering make sure applocker policy doesn't apply in staging ou apps download , in working state. these computers moved ou applocker policy linked begin prevent installation of other apps. not desirable method stop-gap until bug worked out.

please let me know if there other info can provide make issue clearer. thanks!

hi ,
thank posting issue in forum.
i trying involve familiar topic further @ issue. there might time delay. appreciate patience.
thank understanding , support.
best regards,
andy qi
if are technet subscription user , have feedback on our support quality, please send feedbackhere.

andy qi
technet community support

Windows Server  >  Group Policy


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