WLAN WiFi with RADIUS client with authentication in NPS Server

dear all,

i have configured radius clients in nps server wlan. need add mac address in configuration (.xml) file.

but not sure need add in xml file. have nps server in windows server 2008r2.

and network policy need add wlan authentication 

please help

hi durgavaraprasad 2013,

>> i need add mac address in configuration (.xml) file.

could you show me screenshots that would helpful identify problem?

>>what network policy need add wlan authentication

the following link includes deployment guide deploying 802.1x authenticated wireless access:

802.1x authenticated wireless deployment guide


if want always use mac address user identity, please set override user-name registry value 1 on nps server .

for reference:

mac address authorization


if want set both 802.1x , mac address authentication working on same nps.

you skip override user-name setting , set user identity attribute when want authenticate both ad account , mac address. need create separate network policies peap-tls or pap authentication on nps server.

802.1x mac address authentication


best regards,


please remember mark replies answers if help.
if have feedback technet subscriber support, contact tnmff@microsoft.com.

Windows Server  >  Network Access Protection


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