re: How to use secpol.msc drop connect any ip connect my port 25 and permit my port 25 connect any ip and port?

hi ,

i not understande in secpol.msc usage of source ip , destination ip , mirror .

i want protect 25 port drop any  ip connect 25 port , permit 25 port connect ip.

so i set source ip = ip address , destination ip = ip,protoclol =tcp source port=any, destination =25.

filter action= drop.

then find 25 port can not communication other computer.

the secpol support  function?

if not why set source ip , destination ip , mirror?

if support how set?

please me?


if want block connections computer on 25 port, need add ip address destination address , set ip address source address in computer.

in addition, if choose mirrored, mirror filters automatically configures both inbound , outbound filters. in scenario, uncheck it.

for more detailed information, please refer link below:

step-by-step guide internet protocol security (ipsec)

best regards,


Windows Server  >  Network Access Protection


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