Hyper V server on seperate networks

i'm having challenges getting new hyper v box configured use iag 2007 virtual servers. perhaps can give me push in right direction.

server 2008 r2 standard installed on hp proliant 360 g6 hyper v role added

dual gb network cards: hp nc360t pcie gigabit server adapter (intel driver e1e6232e)

nic 1 connected dmz (192.168.x.x/24)

nic 2 connected internal lan

i have 2 virtual networks configured on hyper v: dmz connection type = external , lan connection type = internal only

on guest os (win 2k3 running iag 2007) have 1 nic connected dmz virtual network , other connected lan virtual network

the goal here allow applications published iag on dmz vn nat'd firewall connects provider network

i have in fact built same type of rig using celestix iag appliances i'll darned if can cooking hyper v

some of challenges having 2 nics on physical server connected disparate networks (can't have 2 gateways on server) , getting traffic sorted out requests public site on iag arrive (via nat) on dmz nic.

if able assist in sorting through i'd grateful

any additional info or clarification provided upon request.

thanks in advance,



   don't connect host anything. because physical nic in host machine not need connect host os (in parent partition). default in r2 virtual network not connect host os. need click box allow host use it. microsoft recommends not connect host these networks (and i).

  create external virtual network linked nic (in host) connected physical dmz network. any nic in vm assigned virtual network directly connected dmz. if network has dhcp server network config , other nic connected network. public side of iag server(s).

  if setting test machines behind iag server, put in private virtual network. if want different private network behind each iag server, set 2 private virtual networks. don't need roues traffic anywhere. public nic of iag server in dmz , other nic in private network.



Windows Server  >  Hyper-V


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