2008 NLB load balancing and printing

has been able use nlb printing in 2008?

i have set disablestrictnamecheckingand disableloopbackcheck options in both servers' registries.
i've created file shares on both servers , can browse , open files using clustername nlb works, right?

i'm unable connect of shared printers in nlb cluster using either cluster ip or clustername.
i can connect shared printers using lan ip. each server has 2 nic's 1 lan , 1 nlb setup in unicast -


we using same solution elsewhere on 2003 r2 servers , works fine. 2008 printing issue?

any appreciated.
be change wish see in world

did ever find resolution problem?  i'm having same issue 2 2008 servers.  can browse clustername , see printer, can not connect it.  following error message when try connect or add printer, "windows can not connect printer.  either printer name typed incorrectly, or specified printer has lost connection server."

i'm thinking may 2008 issue..

Windows Server  >  Print/Fax


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