I always get the "un usual cases." Adprep /forestprep Issue

adprep /forestprep issue: adding additional server (note: 3 server 2008 , using 2008 functionality) server #4.

discription/error: install domain controller active directory forest, must first prepare forest using "adprep /forestprep". adprep utility available on windows server 2008 r2.... etc...

have tried: transferring fsmo schema master other server.

after running adprep warning: (note: usual warning) typing "c" enter. result = forest-wide information has been updated. [status/consequence] adprep did not attempt rerun operation. --- yet when run "adprep /forestprep" - same issue in discription/error.

any assistance great if know answer , fix. please not limit 1 response. 1 response not right answer.

thank , have great new year.


i'm not sure opinion looking other provided. pretty contributed thread stated need upgrade schema running adprep windows server 2008 r2 installation media


Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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