Disconnected WSUS Troubleshooting

hello all,

i trying setup disconnected wsus server.  have followed instructions ms setting up, having problem.  backup wsus content , export metadata external wsus server, , restore wsus content , import metadata on disconnected wsus server.  go wsus administration tool in disconnected wsus server - each update approved showing, , has associated file path, have status message says still "downloading".  have left disconnected wsus alone ~3 hours see if there background processing going on, still says downloading , not available push clients of disconnected wsus.  can this?


before export metadata , wsus content disconnected wsus server,you should make sure approved updates file have been downloaded through external wsus server,and export.

and note copying \wsuscontent\* subfolders, rather copying the\wsuscontent,or result in destruction of critical sids in acls of \wsuscontent folder on disconnected server.

about how configure disconnected network receive updates: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd939873(v=ws.10).aspx

best regards,


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Windows Server  >  WSUS


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