Installing Fax Client without adding the Fax Server Role to Server 2008 R2 RDSH


i’ve posted thread on over rdsh forum it’s been suggested try here.

basically want install fax client software on server 2008 r2 rdsh server without adding role. post here suggests si way client on server (

i tried copy on wfs.exe , dll no joy, i’m in process of trying create appv package i’m hoping there way install client without adding role.

does know of way achieve this?




i've tried to create an app package no luck yet. i've tried copy , regsiter every file work "fax" in .. no joy (code below if needs copy files based in file description).

get-childitem c:\windows -recurse | where-object {$_.versioninfo.filedescription -like "*fax*"} | %{if (!(test-path -path $_.directoryname.replace('c:\','t:\fax\'))) {new-item $_.directoryname.replace('c:\','t:\fax\') -type directory} copy-item $_.fullname -destination $_.directoryname.replace('c:\','t:\fax\') -force}

i'll to turn fax server rdsh server , deploy remoteapp. if knows of way of faxing shared fax server on , rdsh server adding fax/print server role great find out ;o)


Windows Server  >  Print/Fax


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