Remote Desktop Services installed but unable use with remove connection broker

hi have 2 rds servers , b connecting. have sql server connected them high availability

i have server configured connection broker

there dns forwarder pointing toward 2 rds servers. both working ok until pointed them towards rds gateway.

now following error message appears on wds gateway (remote desktop services-->overview) "a remote desktop services deployment not exist in server pool. create deployment, run add roles , features wizard , select remote desktop services installation option.

when go roles , features error message adding rd connection gateway "the specified rd connection broker server [name] not available. know available i'm working on it.

advice welcome!


thank posting in windows server forum.

yeah, found root cause case. same issue persist me before in lab environment. issue occurs rd connection broker can’t detect specified server , can’t reflect roles installed , ask reinstallation of rds role.

made changes in ip address server , sue ip conflicts dns entry. entry related old ip have used, after getting new ip entry in dns, restarting server issue got resolved. 

please verify dns entry hostname ,  it must same, if it’s different change, restart server , see result.

hope helps!


dharmesh solanki

technet community support

Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


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