"Initial Size" of a database ...

since these days applications require kind of db repository, in same boat. have email archiving system has atleast 6 sql server db repositories (sigh). problem scripts run create these databases, assumed initial size. instance, 1 such db file's initial size 1110 mb of of empty. trying reclaim free space no avail. question this, when right click db in management studio , click on files tab, ""initial size (mb)" column indicate size used define db when created? can reduce db size less defined size? appreciate feedback.
jagannathan santhanam

whenyou shrink database dbcc shrinkdatabase, each file within database has  minimum size can shrunk. minimim size set of:

the initial size
size explicitly shrunk file dbcc shrinkfile
size explicitly grew  file alter database

the value see in files tab minimum size each file. , implied above, can decrease min size of  file dbcc shrinkfile, not dbcc shrinkdatabase.

please read http://www.karaszi.com/sqlserver/info_dont_shrink.asp

hth, kalen delaney www.sqlserverinternals.com

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Database Engine


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