Switch Server Core to MinShell mode failed

swtich server core admin tools (minshell) mode failed if apply updates after clean install.

case of normally

1. clean install "windows server technical preview 2" option.

2. install-windowsfeature server-gui-mgmt-infra -source wim:d:\sources\install.wim:4


case of problem

1. clean install "windows server technical preview 2" option.

2. windows update sconfig 6 option , reboot.

3. install-windowsfeature server-gui-mgmt-infra -source wim:d:\sources\install.wim:4

insstall-windowsfeature: request add or remove...the source files not found... error: 0x800f081f ....


the installation changing , source must @ same patch level. there 2 ways can achieve this:

option 1

  1. clean install of server core
  2. install-windowsfeature
  3. windows update via sconfig option 6

option 2

  1. clean install of server core
  2. windows update via sconfig option 6
  3. use dism add-package add updates applied in step 2 to wim file
  4. install-windowsfeature

hope helps,


Windows Server  >  Windows Server Technical Preview


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