Capture custom image vs. fully scripted deployments

good afternoon, have ability direct imaging process going company , wanted know what's efficient way set up?

there's option of capturing complete image , injecting drivers upon imaging, , there's option of putting software in applications area of mdt2010 , having ability customize deployments on fly.  of our images have exact same thing on them, difference being hardware , occasional office project or visio install.

also difference putting vpn software onto laptops only.

currently have master image that's sysprep'd drivers on image want away because it's not safe going forwards.

any advice help, thanks.  i'm trying avoid imaging taking 30m-1hour per machine (currently takes 3 minutes) since assume take long if told install office 2010 , other software that's part of image every time.

i personaly have mdt automaticly create base image me every , patched up. using virtual machine of sort keep hw neutral. , use image when deploying computers.

and save time have image office , software uses (and have licenses for) , have mdt install software based on roles or manual selection in mdt wizard. in case deployment take longer time tick image, not long thin image software beeing installed during deployment process.

also remember patching increase security , keep deployment time down in case user on safe patch computer dont need updated after image applied


Windows Server  >  Setup Deployment


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