Security Event ID 4768

i'm using scom monitor authentication of specific accounts in ad. part it's working fine, key piece of information though the userid and client address. of time able see ip address reason client address displayed ::1. know why happens , how fix it?

account information:

                account name:                 jsloan-ad

                supplied realm name:  abcdomain

                user id:                                                abcdomain\jsloan-ad

service information:

                service name:                   krbtgt

                service id:                           abcdomain\krbtgt

network information:

                client address:                 ::1

                client port:                         0

additional information:

                ticket options:                  0x40810010

                result code:                      0x0

                ticket encryption type: 0x12

                pre-authentication type:             2

certificate information:

                certificate issuer name:                              

                certificate serial number:           

                certificate thumbprint:                

certificate information provided if certificate used pre-authentication.

pre-authentication types, ticket options, encryption types , result codes defined in rfc 4120.


::1 loopback address ipv6. means client system iteself.

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ahmed malek

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Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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