certreq for another AD User


i need able to request certificate user certificate template i've created ad user.

for testing purpose i'm logged domain administrator , if i'm trying execute following powershell script it's not working.  if remove requestername parameter "ok" except certificate has been issued logged user administrator.

thanks helping

here's error :

certificate not issued (denied) error verifying request signature or signing certificat
e  none of signers of cryptographic message or certificate trust list truste
d. 0x8009202b (-2146885589) 

here's script :

[string] $templatename = "certtemplate"
[string] $caname = "myrootca"
[string] $certpath = "c:\test"
[string] $username = "test7"
write-host "generating request file"

remove-item $certpath\usercert.inf -erroraction silentlycontinue
remove-item $certpath\usercert.req -erroraction silentlycontinue

add-content $certpath\usercert.inf "[newrequest]`r
subject = `"cn=$username`"`r
exportable = true
requestername = testlocal\test7
requesttype = cmc`r
certificatetemplate = `"$templatename`"`r
san = `"email=$email`""

certreq -new $certpath\usercert.inf $certpath\usercert.req

write-host "sending certificate request"

certreq -submit -config "$caname" $certpath\usercert.req $certpath\$username.cer

write-host "installing certificate"

certreq -accept $certpath\$username.cer




for detailed ca questions security forum better place:


best regards meinolf weber disclaimer: posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights.

Windows Server  >  Security


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