Getting Error : while Converting double datatype

[company 10 [33072]] error: there error output column "inv_carry_cost" (181548) on output "ole db source output" (33082). column status returned was: "deferred accessor validation failed.". 

[company 10 [33072]] error: ssis error code dts_e_inducedtransformfailureonerror.  the "output column "inv_carry_cost" (181548)" failed because error code 0xc0209071 occurred, , error row disposition on "output column "inv_carry_cost" (181548)" specifies failure on error. error occurred on specified object of specified component.  there may error messages posted before more information failure. 

there [in log or output window] must error indicating @ line error occurred.

typically, due un-parsable value in column value.

so fix in adding check on validity. best done in script transformation using

if not please let know how reproduce error.

arthur my blog

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Integration Services


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